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New Relationships...

Below are our articles on the subject of New Relationships. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Are We Exclusive?
Are We Exclusive?
Crossing the line from a casual relationship to a committed one can be a tricky transition. Establsishing whether you are exclusive or not requires good communication…...
Are We Moving too Fast?
Are We Moving too Fast?
When you or you partner thinks the relationship is moving too fast it can be difficult to meet in the middle. Slow down, have a little patience and understanding…...
Building Trust & Bonds
Building Trust & Bonds
Buidling trust and bonds is the foundation to a strong relationships but if you have had bad experiences int he past it cab be difficult to let down your barriers....
Commitment can be a scary word and often means different things to different people. Talk to your partner about what commitment means to you and then be prepared to do…...
Dealing with a Parent's New Relationship
Dealing with a Parent's New Relationship
A guide to dealing with the new relationship of your mother or father, with suggestions on how to accept their new partner...
Does He/She Like Me? The Signs!
Does He/She Like Me? The Signs!
Trying to work out if someone likes you can leave you with mixed signals. Look at their body langauge and decipher their communication style to pick up on the all…...
Exploring Casual Relationships
Exploring Casual Relationships
Casual relationship is a term used to describe a number of non-committed encounters that may or may not include sexual exploration. Understanding your own emotional…...
Falling in Love
Falling in Love
Falling in love has been the inspiration for millions of stories but in real life it can be a scary and emtoional experience. Enjoy the feeling and keep the love going…...
Getting to know Each Other
Getting to know Each Other
Getting to know each other is fun, exciting and crucial to a successful relationship. Ask questions, show the real you and build a solid foundation with your partner....
Introducing Your Partner to Family and Friends
Introducing Your Partner to Family and Friends
Meeting the family and friends is daunting in any new relationship but take your time, support your partner and make the encounter a fun experience....
Is it Lust or Love?
Is it Lust or Love?
When you meet a new partner you can be blinded by lust but as you get to know them, feelings deepen and you can find yourself faling in love. What is love? Only you know....
Meeting Your Boyfriends Parents
Meeting Your Boyfriends Parents
Advice on meeting your boyfriends parents for the first time in a variety of circumstances...
Overcoming Jealousy
Overcoming Jealousy
Jealousy turns us all into a bit of a green eyed monster now and again but if yours is getting out of control then you need to address the situation. There is nothing…...
Rebound Relationships
Rebound Relationships
Starting a rebound relationship is usually not a good idea but if you are honest with your new partner and yourself about your ex and are doing it for the right…...
Stages of a Relationship
Stages of a Relationship
All relationships go through stages and develop and grow. As the honeymoon fades you need to communicate with your partner to establish a strong bond that will see you…...