General Advice...
Below are our articles on the subject of General Advice. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Annoying Habits
Everyone has annoying habits but when you suddenly notice your partner's, they can become totally magnified. Remember noone is perfect and you can't change your…...
Building Your Confidence & Self Esteem
Evybody deserves to live life with confidence and self esteem but when you have been surrounded by negativity it can be hard to do. Find out what is great about you…...
Dealing with Obsessive Ex-Partners
A guide to dealing with an obsessive ex-partner when your relationship breaks down...
Does Having a Baby Change your Relationship?
Having a baby can change your relationship dramatically so you need to talk to your partner and work together....
Finding Time for Each Other
Making time for each other is essenitial if you wna to make you relationship last. It can seem hard to find the spare hour but when you do, it will make all the…...
Getting Back Together With Your Ex
Can getting back together with an ex ever work? We consider the issues....
Getting Engaged - Is it the Right Time?
Getting engaged is an exciting time in your life but such a big commitment shouldn't be rushed into or taken lightly. If you are in love with your partner, know them…...
Intimacy Advice
Intimacy is vital to any relationship. If it is lacking in an emotional, physical or sexual sense then you need to have open communication with your partner and work…...
Long Distance Relationships
A long distance relationship can begin to feel like it's more hassle than it's worth. With a bit of planning and hard work though you can build the trust, have a great…...
Meeting Someone Else
Meeting someone else doens't make you a bad person but dealing with the guilt and understanding your feelings can be confusing. Think about what you really want and…...
Relationships in the Workplace
If you fall for a sexy colleague at work it can make going to the office a lot more exciting. However workplace relationships come with their own set of problems and…...
Shared Interests
Shared interests can bring you together in the first place but can also be created over time. Discovering somehting new with your partner is a great way to bond....
Top Ten Relationship Wreckers
Although all relationships are clearly different, there are some common issues that cause difficulties in many relationships. By knowing what these problems might be…...
Top Ten Romance Tips
Use this tips to keep the romance in your relationship alive....
Trust Issues & Infidelity
When there is an infidelity in a relationship it can be difficult to re-build the trust but it is an important issue and with time and patience it can be fixed....
Trying to Change a Partner - Good or Bad Idea?
Trying to change your partner is difficult. By using positive reinforcement instead of nagging, you may be able to do it, but learning to accept the person you fell…...
Ways to Save Your Marriage
A guide identifying the issues in your marriage and dealing with them successfully...
Young Relationships
When you are young and in a relationship your friends and family always think they know what is best for you. They don't want to see you get hurt but by talking to…...