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Quiz: is He or She 'the One'?

By: Emma Jones - Updated: 11 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Quiz: Is He Or She 'the One'?

Your eyes lock across a crowded room and everything around you stops as you slowly fall into each other’s arms…

Love isn’t always quite like it is in the movies and you usually have a bit more angst about working out whether your partner is ‘the one’.

You fancy them and enjoy spending time together but is this the person that you will spend the rest of your life with?

Take our quiz to find out.


1 - Can you picture yourself growing old together?
a)I’m not sure I could put up with them for that long
b)Wow, I don’t know, that’s a long way in the future
c)I think we would make a great old couple together

2 - Would your partner be a good parent?
a)No, I don’t think I could trust them with my children
b)Probably, I’ve never really thought about it
c)Yes, I would be glad to have them as the parent of my children

3 - Do you trust them?
a)Sometimes but I find it hard
b)Most of the time but I do have a few doubts
c)I trust them completely

4 - Do you flirt with people on a night out?
a)Yes! It’s no fun if you don’t
b)Now and again if I’ve had a bit to drink
c)I have fun looking but rarely flirt

5 - How well do you resolve arguments?
a)Not well at all. We are always falling out.
b)We don’t argue, we just don’t discuss difficult subjects.
c)We can usually talk things through and see each other’s point of view

6 - How often do say ‘I love you’?
a)We haven’t said it yet
b)Only after a fight or when we are drunk
c)Every day


Mostly AsIf you think that your partner is ‘the one’ then you are deluded. You do not have a grown up relationship and need to learn to trust each other and communicate before you can look towards the future. It may turn into something special but it seems like you are not ready for a serious commitment yet and should not lead your partner on.

Mostly BsPerhaps this person is ‘the one’ but you are so busy hiding your feelings that you probably don’t know how much you like them. To have a good relationship you need to feel comfortable enough to talk to your partner and share any concerns. If you are serious about keeping them in your life and put some work into your relationship

Mostly CsCongratulations, it looks like you have found the person you are meant to be with. You understand that no relationship is perfect but can see the good in your partner and admit when you are wrong. Enjoy your relationship but make sure that you don’t become stifled by it.

Finding ‘the one’ is great but you should never try to force it as some matches just aren’t made in heaven. A good relationship takes both partners to work hard and be open and honest about their feelings. Listen to your instinct and follow your heart.

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