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Below are our articles on the subject of Ask Our Experts. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Can Ex's New Partner Make Claims on My Property?
Can Ex's New Partner Make Claims on My Property?
Cohabiting partners can lay no claim to property or other investments that aren't jointly owned....
Can Husband Force Me to Sell Our Home?
Can Husband Force Me to Sell Our Home?
Splitting a home is never an easy situation to be in but your partner cannot force you to sell up against your will, unless the courts order it....
I Am Much Older Than My Boyfriend: Should His Family Know?
I Am Much Older Than My Boyfriend: Should His Family Know?
After 3 years together you have a right to be introduced to his family and prove that an age gap is not a problem....
Is my Ex Entitled to a Percentage of the House?
Is my Ex Entitled to a Percentage of the House?
Property, solely in your name, cannot be claimed by an unmarried partner....
My Partner Cheated On Me: How Can Get Over it?
My Partner Cheated On Me: How Can Get Over it?
Rebuilding the trust after a partner cheats can be tough but it is necessary for your relationship to survive....
Partner is too 'Controlling' & Earns More: How Do I Leave?
Partner is too 'Controlling' & Earns More: How Do I Leave?
A question from a reader who feels that they cannot leave their controlling partner. The answer looks at her situation and provides some realistic advice....